The Robberg Beach Lodge offers beach-front accommodation in Plettenberg Bay. 29 Rooms in four luxurious adjacent villas at Robberg Beach in Plettenberg Bay. Together, Beachy Head Villa, Robberg House, Cottage Pie and Cordovan Villa offer a boutique accommodation experience right on the beach. For the best beach-front accommodation in Plettenberg Bay, The Robberg Beach Lodge offers what your heart desires, to make yours a dream holiday. Nestled at the heart of the world-famous Garden Route, Plettenberg Bay is a destination of distinction for all travellers in South Africa. Its splendid sky and seascapes and the unspoilt beauty of its lagoons and beaches, as well as a great selection of restaurants, bars and coffee shops, make it a great destination for all ages. There are so many things to do in the area, especially for families and couples on a romantic retreat.
044 533 0369
89 Beachyhead Dr, Plettenberg Bay